Prepare yourself to offer assistance in a wide range of diving related emergencies.
This course is not only a great way to learn how to assist others and become more aware of your surroundings, but also an excellent way to refine your diving skills. After completion of this course, you will be one step closer to becoming a PADI Master Scuba Diver or start the road to become a PADI Pro.
Course Time: 2 days minimum in the water
Course Content: 5 theory modules, 10 Rescue Skills, 2 open water scenarios
Course Prerequisites: 12+ years, Advanced Open Water certification, good medical condition
Course Price: $400
Add EFR Primary and Secondary Care Course: $50
Add PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Course: $50
Includes: Gear rental, insured PADI Instructor, certification fee
Educational materials are separate.
PADI eLearning available, click link below
Next Step: PADI Master Scuba Diver or PADI Divemaster